Care Teams

In accordance with the CDC and in light of conversations Fred held with city and county officials, we are putting together Care Teams for specific seniors. It is critical we not inadvertently abandon them and allow social distancing result in social displacement. Additionally, isolation can wreak havoc on our state of mind and heart. Therefore, we are requesting low-risk, healthy people who have not knowingly been subjected to those presumed infected with COVID-19 to consider joining a Care Team. If you are interested, please complete the form on our website. 

The protocol to these teams are specific and critical. All supplies required will be provided. 

The Care Teams will perform the following:

  1. Email or mail cards weekly
  2. Phone weekly
  3. Text often
  4. Conduct drop-offs (specific seniors—not all) of various needs or little ‘we are thinking of you’ gifts made by other WCC families
  5. Insure they are connected to our virtual / digital gathering and connections to the degree they are able.
  6. Weekly communication with Dave Faith to check in and assess potential needs and disposition of mind/heart of our senior.

Functionally, Care Teams will utilize the following protocol:

  1. Groups of two will be assigned one senior with identified needs
  2. When visitations are made, unless the care team is a couple separate cars will need to be taken.
  3. When visitations are made gloves must be worn (provided), masks worn (provided, or something covering your mouth of your own choosing), the six-feet distance protocol must be honored, and the senior must be met on their front porch or outside of the house, rather than inside. No inside entry is requested. 
  4. If needs are discovered that are inside the house let Dave Faith know in your weekly communication.
  5. If apps must be downloaded on a seniors phone, i.e. Vimeo, ZOOM, REALM, a new stylus will be used and given, the phone wiped down by the senior (wipe provided) and after Care Team handles it (wipe provided).
  6. More protocol may be enacted as the Pandemic continues. 

Sign up here or email Fred for more information: